Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Christmas Nostalgia

Well, only a few weeks until the Christmas holidays. 
I don't know about you, but as I get older, I get to thinking about my childhood, and especially those days before when my dad would sit me at the table with sheets of colored crepe paper, flour paste and a little pair of scissors. Together, we would cut strips of differing colors, link them together & paste the ends to form a chain. There was little choice of decorations in the shops then, and even if there had been, we had no money to spend on such frippery.
We would sit for hours making those paper chains and then he would get out the drawing pins and hang them up in criss cross patterns along the ceiling.
My mother would always complain about having too many, but we loved them, my dad and I, and although he died many years ago, this is the time of year when he comes most vividly to mind.
What wouldn't I give to be able to spend just one more Christmas holiday with him making those decorations, but at least he left me a rich legacy of happy memories, and they are worth more than anything money can buy. 

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